Sunday, July 29, 2012

What a summer :)

Well it is done!  Our time in Oaxaca this summer has come to a beautiful end. :)  We have seen so many people have an interest in learning more about Jesus.  We have pasted out around 17 bibles and had a bible study with around 15 people of all ages.  People are truly seeking and Erica, Zoe, and I have the Lord to thank for it all.  He provided everything.  One of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen was the last day we were there.  We taught them "how to pray" and "how to teach the gospel" to others.  The last day we were there we were practicing so they feel confident in doing so when we are gone.  I started weeping right in the middle of it all.  The people helped each other pray and taught the gospel together.  It was amazing to see how God used everyone in that Bible study to share His beautiful words.  I don't even know if they really get what they are saying just yet, but God is present in their lives and working in them.  I am so excited for the future of that village!

Please PRAY for this village and the continuation of this bible study in this village.  There are people coming to this village after us, but it will be about a month and a half before they get there.  This time period will be where we will see who truly is interested in having Jesus as Lord of their life.  We are so excited because we know that even though we have left God is still with them and loves them more than we ever could.

Thank you for your prayers and support the entire summer.  I am so excited to come back and see all my family and friends and share about this life changing experience God gave me.

I have nothing to say, but Thank You God, and you do as well for this summer no matter where you were at.

I love you all,

Jordan :)

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